Friday, December 19, 2008


New Words Developed in Recent Years


Muffin top: unsightly fold of fat; unsightly roll of flesh that spills over the waistband

e.g. Her muffin top spread widely over the top of her tight-fitting jeans.

Ginormous: extremely large; humungous 极大的, 巨大的

e.g. He’d seen big possums in his backyard before, but this one was absolutely ginormous.

Telenovela: a Spanish-language soap opera. 西班牙语肥皂剧

e.g. The hit TV series Ugly Betty was based on a popular telenovela.

Administrivia: organisation details;tiresome but essential organisation details;

e.g. The managing director sets policy and direction and leaves all the administivia to his assistant. 董事长确定政策和方向,把一切行政事务都留给自己的助手做。

Agnolotti: type of pasta; type of semicircular pasta with a filling of meat, cheese or vegetable 一种面食;半圆形,里面包有肉,奶酪,或蔬菜的面食

e.g. The waiter informed us that the dinner special was agnolotti served on a tomato-basil sauce. 男侍者通知我们今晚的特别菜单是西红柿罗勒酱意大利面。

Panini: grilled Italian sandwiches; plural of panino, sandwiches made with Italian bread.

e.g. That cafe makes great salami and cheese Panini. 那家小餐厅的萨拉米香肠奶酪三明治特别 棒。

Privatopia: gated community; gated community of private homes.

e.g. The homeowner association of the privatopia regulated roof colour.

Yellowcake: Uranium ore; partially refined uranium ore used in production of nuclear weapons. 镍矿石;用于生产核武器的部分提炼过的镍矿石

e.g. The international inspection team ensured that no yellowcake was missing.

Abaya: loose fitting, full length robe worn by some Muslim women; loose fitting robe

e.g. Her abaya was beautifully embroidered. 她穿的宽松长袍刺绣精美。

Manny: A male nanny; 男保姆

e.g. There is a growing acceptance among busy professional couples to employ mannies in childcare roles. 忙碌的全职夫妻正逐渐接受聘用男保姆承担照看孩子的角色。

Ringxiety: Mistaken belief that someone is phoning you; an audio illusion that your phone is ringing. 误认为有人给自己打来电话;幻觉自己的电话在响;

e.g. Suffering from acute ringxiety, she found herself checking her cell phone for his call every five minutes. 因患有严重的电话幻觉症,她发现自己每隔5分钟就要查一下自己的手机。

Andropause: decrease in testosterone in males occurring during and after middle age.

e.g. He learnt from his doctor that some medical journals refer to andropause as male menopause. 他从自己的医生那儿得知,一些医学学刊称男性中年期和之后的睾丸激素下降为男性更年期。


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